OK. Still no pictures yet, but carpet is going in today. That means that this afternoon (leaving work early), I get to remount my QS8s, screen, projector. Put up 5 wall sconces, move some "temporary" furniture in there, and be about set again to at least take a break before finishing up everything. I will also build a few shelves for the equipment rack and try to get them stained and installed later tonight. The hard part is going to be that I also have 2 couches (with hide-a-beds), my arcade, pinball machine, and a bunch of other stuff that needs to be put back in the basement as well, so I won't get a chance to tune things to the new room, or do more than just test run everything. But it will be good to have things working again after a few weeks with no movies or music.

Don't worry, pictures will come soon...

Farewell - June 4, 2020