Looks like average price is about $330 US, or a bit under $400 CDN.

Almost forgot to mention, I had another chance to see a Vutec SilverStar screen last night. It's a light silver, slightly shiny paper finish (pretty easy to damage apparently) but EXTREMELY bright and with a very wide viewing area. We were walking around looking for evidence of hotspotting and didn't find a thing. For a minute I was wondering if this might have actually been something other than a silverstar, but (a) most of the other reviews report the same results and (b) none of the other vutec screens are silver.

The high gain (claimed 6.0, actual seems to be ~2.7) makes the picture very clear even in high ambient light conditions. There seems to be a lot of support for using high gain as a solution to ambient light in the room, rather than a darker grey screen.

There is some interesting reading at :


Right now I have to admit my thinking is either to look for a good price on a SilverStar or to go with the "Behr Silverscreen plus some mixings to pump up the gain a bit" DIY approach. They certainly wouldn't be the same, of course -- even with the mixings a silverscreen paint job seems to be a bit under 1.0 gain, while the silverscreen seems to be around 3.0.

Spending more on the screen than the projector seems somehow wrong, even if I did spend more money on speakers than electronics. If I could have made my own speakers for $100 with one trip to Home Depot I probably would have given it a try

Last edited by bridgman; 08/06/06 05:48 AM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8