Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a bit of a compulsive contingency planner. This is a good thing for work -- it lets me manage big complex projects that "work every time" -- but can be a burden at other times.

Before I bought the projector, my first thoughts were "OK, I'm buying at the end of the sales cycle for this model, but these prices seem a bit better than they should be even after factoring in the strong US dollar".

Couldn't think of any major "gotchas" so went ahead and ordered.

Last night it hit me... Sanyo's factory warranty says "99.99% of pixels will work properly, ie about 92 pixels can be bad", while most customers tend to be unhappy if there are any visible pixel defects in their $3000 pride and joy, and end up going back to the dealer for replacement.

That gap (factory vs. retail requirements) implies that there is probably an ever-growing inventory of projectors somewhere in the retail supply chain with enough dead pixels to be annoying but not enough to trip the factory warranty. At the end of the sales cycle for any product, when prices are dropping anyways, that inventory tends to appear in the lowest priced sales outlets...

... like the one where I bought my new Z4.

Has anyone had experience with dead or stuck pixels on an LCD projector, particularly a 720p ? If so, what did you do ? Did it meet factory guidelines or did the dealer just swap it out for you and stick the old one under the counter somewhere ?

I wish I hadn't thought of this on holiday Monday when everything is closed

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8