I’m at a loss what to do and feel completely helpless. This is unfamiliar ground for me as I’m not a religious man, nor do I ask for help much. I’m totally blown away and don’t know what to think, feel or do. Heck, I’m on line asking for help and I don’t ever ask for help. Advise yes, but help, no.

My girlfriend’s sister Lisa was in a car accident this morning and I just got word that the initial prognosis has gotten much worse. She was talking this morning and at first, it sounded as if she just had a head injury. But no, she suffered a neck injury and is being prepped for surgery. The MRI shows spinal column damage and the surgeon is telling her family that the chances of success are very slim. Right now she’s paralyzed from the neck down. The surgeon is telling the family that there is very little hope for her to ever walk again.

Lisa is 35, an extreme over achiever, marathon runner, teaches children’s tap dancing, a total fitness nut and always, always on the move. I never see or hear of her doing nothing or just relaxing. And I consider her a very dear friend. For her to be paralyzed will be the worst possible thing I can think of for her to go through.

I’m stuck at home 300 miles away from the hospital that they medivac'ed her to. And I’m praying for her. I heard that the power of prayer works and the more people that do it, the better so I’m asking that if you believe in prayer, please pray for Lisa. If not, cross your fingers or something.

And for those that find this request offensive, my apologies to you. I’m reaching for any help I can get.