An SMS-1 with an EP500 will give you wonderful bass if set up properly. As Sirquack suggested before equalizing you should at first explore room acoustical treatments. Bass traps in particular make a huge difference to the room and are easy to construct. Of all the techniques I've employed bass traps had the most impact on improving sound.

Placement of the sub is just as critical with the SMS since like all equalizers it should be used sparingly when dealing with room dips. At this point only run sweeps through the sub. The guides are straightforward enough, set the 500 at your favourite spot then move the mic along the walls while watching the screen and running sweeps with all bars flat(no equalization adjustment). Where the FR looks most linear is the best placement. That may not work aesthetically so find someplace just as flat.

Next step would be to use the 500s trim control to compensate for room loading. You may get a smoother response. Setting the trim to Half will increase frequencies above 33HZ and Full will boost it more. Check to see which trim setting gives the flattest response.

Still leave the speakers off with the sub getting a full signal with crossover set above 100hz. Now run auto equalization. Next adjust to manual mode. The guide gives good guidance on how to get adjust the peaks and try to avoid boosting dips.

Now turn on the speakers and set the crossover to where you prefer. Leave the phase switch alone at the 500 and adjust phase at the SMS in small increments to where you get the flattest response. Then readjust the crossover at the receiver to see if going up or down in value helps smooth the graph. You may have to go back and forth several times. Small adjustments in the sub placement should also be examined again to see if it makes the curve more linear as well. Adjust the bars again using boost and Q to get the flattest response. Enjoy the sound.
