What do you plan on using it for (movies, music)? Also, what kind of music do you listen to?

I've heard and am buying the M22's for fronts since they sound excellent and come at a great price. If you listen to a lot of bassy music without a sub, the M3's go a little lower then the M2 or M22's since they have a bigger woofer. For such a small room (mine's small too) M22's are the most you'll really need for fronts. I've been told QS4's are more then enough for that room size, unless you want to future-proof yourself and get the QS8's while you're at it (that's what I'm doing). If you want to save cash, a few people around here suggest using a single bookshelf speaker for a center, otherwise a VP100 would do just fine.

I can't suggest as sub since I'm on the fence for that myself. I'm giving the EP350 a shot, but if for smoe reason if doesn't live up to my expectations, I'm going for an SVS.

Hope this helps.

____________________________ M22 VP100 QS8 EP500 Yamaha HTR-5960