
Even though you have a door in that front left corner, you can still mount 4" 703 off the adjacent wall and/or attach one to the back of the door. No, it won't be stradeling the corner like the others, but will still help in the bass trapping category. One of Ethan's videos showed a recording room where they put panels on the door, spaced off slightly.

I was thinking about doing that, I don't want the trap to come past the door frame ( think there is about 4 - 6 inches of room there). The wife will def. NOT let me put a trap on the door as the door will be swining out of the room into the hallway, I would prefer an inside swinging door, but our hallway is very wide and I didn't want to run the risk of having the door run into the M22. I also wanted to keep my options open for placement of the M22s.

My room is a must for bass trapping (as you can see) with the soffit like that, it will create alot of muffled bass on the soffit side of the room. Depending on how the room sounds when tt is finally built, I may bass trap under the soffit to eliminate any nodes. Of course they will be very small bass traps, but anything helps in that category.


Producer | Composer