Without getting into a 50 page dissertation about atomic structures, electrons, protons and magnetic fields, the most effective and simplest thing to look for is ratings that say something to the effect…….”all channels driven simultaneously”. You will see this in bold print on HK’s, NAD, Rotel and other high end manufactures. I rarely put much faith in WPC ratings and rely on max current capabilities.

Ya Mark, that’s one way to look at it. Especially at high volume…….electrons with attitude.

I’m not about to profess to be an expert on how an amp works, but I do know electricity to some extent. And that’s all a signal is, an electrical current that is made up of a bunch of electrons traveling around a magnetic core. The energy of these electrons can be called power.

If you’re really interested and have a lot of spare time to dig into this, here’s a great web sight with some outstanding articles. They are quite technical, but as you start to read through them, you’ll start to understand.


Amps sound

Amp basics