
Well, as mentioned above, there are very few movies that make use of the rear channels, however, if you receiver has decoding like Dolby PLIIx, the rears will get much more attention. Also, I'm curious if you have the 22's angled towards you? Bookshelfs will not be as forgiving as Q's, but should still work well, especially in PLIIx mode.

You mentioned a meter, so I assume your talking about the Radio Shack SPL meter? Have you run the manual test tones from the receiver and calibrated all speakers to 75dB?

I do use DPLIIx a LOT. They are M2's, not 22's, and they are angled towards the main listening position. I do use the B&K's test tones and a R.S. SPL meter, and the speakers are all calibrated to 75dB, with the exception of the rears that have been slowly increased to 78dB. The rears are wall mounted at approx. the same height as the side surrounds. Note also that I have 150W per channel and am using #12 stranded speaker to the rears, so there is no lack of amp power.

I have a few other things on my plate right now, but within the next week or 2 I think I might be upgrading my rears to the QS8's, that is unless someone gives me a good reason why this would not be too smart.

- MrBill