I would venture to take this on step further. As we listen to "any" system in our familiar surroundings, we become used to the sound. This is true of bad, mediocre, good or excellent systems. As I have mentioned in anothr post, "psychoacoustic phenomenon" usually means "it is all in your head". This is similar to becoming comfortable with something, and then witnessing similar events in another setting, and believing it was much better outside of our frame of reference. It may not be, as you stated. But it leaves us wanting.

In terms of what duff was experiencing, this could very well be the case. However, with the description of the dealers implied criteria (acoustic treatment, musical choice, and systems possibly tweaked to highlight their best qualities), it is probably a combination. I have seen astonsihed people who have felt their systems lacking, or believe they are top quality amazed when you make adjustments to small things present in the room. This could be speaker placement, minor furniture rearrangemets, or even closing curtains over large windows.

This is all part of the nature of the beast! This is definitely a "tweak hobby"! Duff now has the disease...one that is a GOOD one to catch! ;)
