I don’t know if I “hate” HK, but I am most definitely disappointed with them. I’ve owned HK’s on and off for just about 25 years now. I like the way they sound, they have always been at the leading edge with technology and until recently, they were very dependable. Heck, I still have an old two channel integrated amp that I had when I was a teenager and it works great.

I had to have my 7200 sent in for warranty work about 18 months ago. Come to find out, this was a fuse problem that just about every 7200 had. No notice or help from HK. It was a simple five minute fix but HK insisted the unit go to one of their shops for replacement. While waiting for my 7200 to be repaired, I bought a 7300. I sold the 7200 after the dam fuse was replaced.

I then had to send my 7300 back for multiple issues three months ago. Same thing as the 7200, I wasn’t alone with these issues.

I now am sending my 745 back for multiple issues. Same thing again. I’m not alone.

I do not know the inner workings or management structure of Harman International. But if I was a betting man, I’d bet that they’ve recently gone through a re-org that has affected their quality assurance department. It just isn’t what it used to be. I’ve had bad luck with their last three ‘flagship’ receivers, so that makes me wonder about the rest of their lines.

All that aside, the 635 has a large following of happy owners. This may just be the last of the ‘good ones’. I wouldn’t be afraid to buy one if it had the features I wanted. I can’t recommend that anyone buy one of their new receivers though. They have tremendous capabilities and functionality, but in my opinion, they just are not holding up or working as advertised.