I’ve done more research on HDMI and HDMI receivers/pre amp / processors in the last two weeks than I can stand.

I know about as much about it now as I did two weeks ago. This is nothing but a moving target and when you think you understand it, it moves.

What I have learned however, and this can not be disputed, is 1.3 is not the HDMI holy grail. Anyone who thinks if they wait for 1.3 they are ‘future proof’, or even ‘safe’, is sadly mistaken and will be in for a disappointment. 1.3 comes with its own issues and bugs just like all other versions have. Don’t kid yourself thinking if you wait for 1.3 that you will not have problems. You will most likely be bitching louder than the rest of us with 1.1 HDMI equipment.

The ‘safest’ thing to do is buy HDMI equipment that works from manufactures that actually put an effort into ensuring that it does work before rolling it out the door. Some manufactures just roll their crap out with little testing and quality control and it won’t make a bit of difference if they roll it out with 1.1, 1.2, or the latest 1.3. If it has 1.3 but won’t get along with all the other HDMI equipped stuff on your rack, what good is it?? Also, don’t believe a thing you read in the manuals because they are quite illusive in describing what the unit will do. It’s best to find someone who has the same model you are thinking about buying and asking them to verify what it will do. But then you will be at the mercy of that individual’s understanding of how to configure the unit correctly. Oh yeah, good luck with getting a straight anser from tech support too. Chances are that you will be teaching them.