Mounting the speakers is not as big of a deal as you may think. The QD8s come with mounting bracket with a goon number of holes in them to attach them to a wall. Keep this in mind, though. The brackey it not that big, so it is unlikely that you would have a stud right where they should be mounted for the best sonic reasons. So just drill some holes straight into the wall where the holes on the bracket are (measure and level the bracket on the wall first, and mark with a pencil where the holes line up and then just drill the holes), and then use toggle bolts to hold the braket. Works great. Just be sure to get toggle bolts big enough that you don't need to use any washers to prevent them from going through the holes in the mounting bracket (seems obvious, but....) and you will be all set.

This is what a toggle bolt looks like and they are available at home improvement stores or even Wal-Mart.

Farewell - June 4, 2020