The Smart strip sounds like an easy fix for you.

However, I'm assuming your amp doesn't have any sort of remote control at all. If it did support IR controllers, another option might be a good universal remote. Not a $20 dollar Wallymart special but one that can do more than just turn stuff on and off.

I use a URC 300 because I'm a geek and liked being able to program my own Macros but the Harmony remotes are popular and easy to set up. Just plug them into your PC, fill in your gear types on their web page and your done.

The difference is that you don't just turn things on and off but they can set all your inputs and outputs and options with just one button press. My wife quickly got over the 200$ price tag when she realized she could work our AV stuff without help again.

If your amp can't be remotely controlled, I probably would not bother though. Just a thought as I'm reading this so as to not fall asleep on aboring conference call.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.