Here's a MS-Paint ( ) drawing of my room.

Right now, those two recetangles to the left and right of the sofa on the north wall are 6-7 ft. bookshelves that hold the dvd collection. I have about 1-1.5 ft. above them. The Infinity Beta bookshelf speakers I've been using as surrounds have been sitting on top of them. Because the room opens up to the dining area/kitchen on the east side, there's no east wall to mount the left surround on. I have the options of mounting the three surrounds (left, rear center, and right) on the wall behind the listener, but there's no real room for through, because the listening position is right up against the rear wall. I could also move the left out front a bit (on a ceiling mount) and likewise mount the right across from it on the west wall... Suggestions?

I still can't make up my mind on the center. Is the VP150 too heavy for a Full Metal Bracket to hold?