I have been using a media center setup for several years now. Recently I built a completely new system with Vista Ultimate, and a new sound card the Auzentech X-Meridian. If you are not familiar with this card http://www.auzentech.com/site/products/x-meridian.php

Many reviews are calling this the best sounding Sound Card ever created. My previous card was the M-Audio Revolution 7.1 which was also supposed to be a decent card however not as good as the new X-Merdian. My X-Merdian has also had the OPAMP chips upgraded to the Texas Instruments / Burr Brown OPA2134PA chips which is supposed greatly improve the sound even more. In the past I have always hooked up the cards using a Digital Coax Cable to my Amp. My amp which is a Yamaha RXV-1500 http://hometheater.about.com/od/audiocomponentreviews/gr/yamaharxv1500.htm which seems to be an ok amp for powering the Axiom M80s. From what I have been reading is that if you are going to use the Auzentech X-Merdian you better not be buying this for its digital connections. What many users are saying in the Audio forums is that this cards processing can compete with amps in the several thousand dollar range. Several users have said it has better sound then there outlaw audio processing. In other words they are not connecting the card up through a digital cable and are using the Analog connections. For this to occur you would use 3 minijack to RCA which input into your RCA inputs on the AMP. What I am confused about is I have a powered Subwoofer plugged into the Sub connection on the back of the amp. These analog RCA connections are supposed to use this same sub connection. Where would I plug the sub into if I plug the sound card into this connection?

So from what I have been reading if I use the Digital out connection on the card then my amp does all the processing. If I use the Analog connections on the card then my card will use its processing. Is it really possible this card with the upgraded Texas Instruments / Burr Brown OPA2134PA would sound better then my Yamaha RX V 15500 for processing? Any info on this and the question pertaining to the Sub connection would be greatly appreciated.