Center Placement


Above is a link to the thought process behind the M3 centers.

I think that the M3 is an excellent match for the M80s. I like the sound of the dialog from the M3 more than I like the dialog from the VP150 also, but the purpose was to get the dialog centered on the screen.

It drove me crazy for it to be localized to the speaker. I tried the M3s in WTTW and TWWT both above and below like I tried my VP 150 above and below. In the end I ended up with a TW above and a WT below with each speaker on its side.

No ill effects with the speakers on their sides and I love the sound.

I would love to see a center with 2 tweeters, a 5.25 and a 6.5, but I would still get 2 for above and below in my current setup. In a perfect world a single center would be an M80 behind an AT screen to match the L/R.
