Hey guys,

I don't have much experience with this. I bought a motherboard on eBay from a seller I should have checked out more closely. He's got 98.2% positive rating, but there's a ton of feedback that's been recalled by both parties--presumably he talked people out of negative feedback. Anyway, after waiting a rather long time after paying a rather lot of shipping, I received a bare motherboard (in a static bag at least) in a box of foam peanuts. The posting was for a brand new retail motherboard including everything in the pictures--which were of cables, and a riser board, and a box, etc.

I emailed the dude, haven't heard back yet, and googled his email addy. I found a web page dedicated to this guy and his sales. Apparently, he often pulls this, and then uses tons of delaying tactics to hold buyers off as long as possible (presumably long enough so that they can't file a complaint with paypal.)

Anyone had experience with this sort of thing? Several years ago, I managed to bully another guy into giving me my money back for a monitor I bought that was not as advertised, but I think this guy has a little more experience than the monitor guy.

Arg. I don't need this stress right now... and I don't need to lose $150, either. Grr....

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!