

My SXRD is only 1080i input so I haven't ventured into HD DVD yet.

My Toshiba is only 720p but the HD DVD's Imo are truly a large step up from standard DVD's.

Same with my projector...720P. No comparison though. HD/BR is vastly superior to SD even with 720P.

Be careful if you decide to step into HD. You're goign to get very wet, quickly, as well as broke. It'll start with a machine, then two machines so you can enjoy both formats, then the new HDMI receiver to get lossless sound, then the video processor, then the new 1080P TV, then you'll want to swap out your SD dvd collection with HD / BR.

Oh, then when 1.3 with deep color, lip sync and DTS-M / DD-HD become readily available, you'll want to swap out all your 1.1 stuff for 1.3.

.....you better just stay away.