I love my Oppo 981 as well. Just last night I wanted to watch a video that was on my media center. I extend the media center to the media room via my Xbox 360. Well, my Xbox is in the shop getting fixed for etching disks. Remembering something about Oppo supporting various video file formats (AVI, WMA, etc), I went down to my office and burned the AVI file on a DVD in regular data format. Three minutes later I was watching all the antics of this weekend's easter egg hunt on the Oppo. Amazing. Its flexibility like this that really builds my loyalty to a product and brand.

One thing to note. Don't get the Oppo 981 if you don't have HDMI. There are no component outputs on that model.

Ken. VaSSallo Series M60v2, VP100v2, QS8v2 SVS SB12-Plus