here's a few things I'd be doing

1) nuturing new talent
2) networking with other established artists and editors, which should lead to work for my people
3) selling artists pages of work - freeing up their time to focus on creating
4) acting as a go-between for commission works. Clients would contact me if they wanted a commission from one of my artists. Again, freeing up the artists time. Also, many artist (people in general really) don't like dealing with the public.

The biggest thing I hope to be able to do really is nurture new talent. Give them some exposure. Push them to go further than they think they can. Most artists I've spoken with aren't very secure in their abilities. They are their worst critics, and don't really know the enormous talent they have.

This is really something I want to do for the pure love of it. If I can accomplish the above goals and break even I'll be thrilled.