
Yes it is!

This is a great chart- thanks John for sharing.

Anytime David. . I refer to this chart when I look for TVs or screens. Yes this chart is a keeper. What I like best about it is not the fact that it shows the best seating distance...its that it proves the fallacy with resolution. Whether your display is 480p or 1440p is not important. What matters is the distance you sit from the display relative to the display resolution. A 720p display is going to look as good as a 1080p display, all other factors being the same, depending on where you sit based on the size of screen. I've checked this out several times with my Sony 1080p 60xbr2 tv against another Sony 720p 50a10 tv.

There is alot of hype about 1080p displays but the more significant differentiators are processing technology, contrast ratio, luminosity and colour uniformity. Resolution is least significant because its utility depends where you want to sit.

What distinguishes 1080p displays ironically is not the increased resolution over 720p but that those displays usually come with better processing, higher contrast ratio, greyscale tracking, colour uniformity, luminosity etc. Its those factors which are often overlooked.
