
I wish I could give you an explanation as well but I am far from being knowledgeable about the technical side of this stuff. I just know what sounds good to me. I'm betting that any discernable difference has got to be very subtle, but the gentleman who sold it to me was very direct about it being a good thing to do. Maybe it was "snake oil" but I figure it can't hurt. I never shut my computer off either.

As an example of the difference I noticed with the higher quality dedicated cd player, I was listening to the recent Neil Young release "Live at Massey Hall." It was recorded in the early seventies and was a concert that he did solo. He accompanies himself either on acoustic guitar or piano depending on the song. I noticed when listening to the headphones especially, that I could always tell when he was about to play piano before the song began because I could hear the piano bench "squeak" as he shifted on it before beginning to play. I had not heard that before. It's that kind of detail that I really enjoy. It gives me a better sense of what I might be hearing if I were there sitting next to the stage.