Congrats Randy. You found the sweet spot in your room. That is a terrific response curve you have there with no equalization! There is not much you can do about the null at 110hz except maybe experiment with more bass traps, and its not that deep anyway. Before tinkering with the parametric filters you may want to tweak the phase in the SMS first to see if you can get a smoother curve.

With regards to my graph, it was accomplished with 3 subs of which one was an EP600, the others were a velo dd-18 and a JL 113. The latter 2 subs provided the extension below 17hz and reinforcement above 100hz, the 600s brickwall filters. More important than extension, the added output above 100hz in my room helped smooth a null I had around 120hz.

I'm hoping Axiom will provide a firmware update sometime to change the brickwall on the 500/600s from 100hz to 120hz. That would help in rooms with nulls slightly above 100hz or with blending in monitors and smaller speakers.