
So I did a quick A/B testing of the QS8 and AM3 speakers; the sound between the two was a huge difference. With the AM3s you could pinpoint the speakers and panning sounds just seem to jump from one speaker to another. With the QS8s pinpointing the speaker is not possible and the panning is so smooth and that is with just two QS8s. One interesting thing I found with the new setup is I am not used to hearing mid and low-mid from the surrounds which is now there with the QS8s. And the highs on the QS8s are also much crisper than the AM3s./

That's a really good description and I somehow wish that all Bose fans and prospective Bose buyers could read this.


With the QS8 speakers clearness I do notice if I focus closely on them that I can hear the Dolby Pro-logic artifacts from it steering sounds to the surrounds. With the discrete 5.1 mixes this is not present. It’s only noticeable when you’re looking for it and I know it’s not the speaker’s fault./

This sounds very interesting. What do you mean by "artifacts"?

Glad you like them and thanks for doing the A/B test.