
I just tried the RealTraps tones with my EP600. The 600 does not cut in until 15Hz where the SPL is up 0.5dB from reference. At 16Hz, it's up 8dB. I have no problem whatsoever hearing and feeling the Introduction to Also Sprach Zarathustra from "Top 20 - The Very Best of Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops" which according to JohnK is the 16Hz note. This was coming in at 12dB above reference.

The reference level is 58.5dB SPL (this is relatively loud because compressor noise from my aged fridge actually carries down the stairs. This however does not interfere with listening). I had my Denon main gain set to -20 (which corresponds to 1W output per left/right channel at this frequency for my M80s). My 600 is set at ten o'clock, the Denon LFE is set to -6dB (the range is -12 to +12). The cross-over is set to 80Hz, lows out of sub only and the Denon set to stereo. I am in a 4,000 cubic foot, extremely tightly constructed, relatively live room with a large opening going up to my main level. I had the meter at the sweet spot where I normally sit. As you can see from my settings, I have plenty of headroom. When I turn the gain up at 10Hz, it feels like my

BTW, I run my sub about 6dB hot at 81dB SPL.

A more interesting and surprising scenario takes place when I set the M80s to large. At 10Hz, the SPL is up 0.5dB from reference. At 11Hz, it's up 3dB and by 12Hz it's up 8.5dB. I can definitely hear all these tones although I am sure what I am hearing is the room and not the actual tones. I posted about this before and Randy also witnessed it on his system but this is the first time I've posted any numbers.

Now even more shocking. I set the Denon to 7-channel stereo. This set the QS8 and VP150 woofer drivers quaking at 10Hz! Of course they are very small and are hardly pushing any air.

I vote that Axiom releases a mod to remove the so-called brick-wall filter below 15Hz provided it doesn't adversely affect the specifications at higher frequencies.