
Also on the winter development list is a specialty product that allows M60s, M80s, or VP150s to be built into a cabinet. This product has a redesigned enclosure that allows the speakers to be mounted in a built-in cabinet, and is intended to be spec'd into a built-in wall unit at the time of construction. The need for this product fell out of our visit to the Interior Design Show in February - we have been working closely with designers since then to marry great sound with the 'invisible sound' look that is currently in vogue. The speakers can be covered with a grille-cloth 'door' to completely disappear.

I just don't understand this trend towards invisible sound. People want everything for nothing and now it is going to the umpteenth degree.
A tv picture with no tv box.
Sound without speakers.
Coming soon, Hollywood movies without any human actors.
Oh wait, that already exists.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."