
the M3s are awesome speakers, I am using them in my studio downstairs for monitors...and I can walk upstairs to the kitchen, with fairly loud playback downstairs, and feel the low frequencies a bit (studio is right below the kitchen).

Previous to using them as monitors, I had them in the kitchen for a 2-channel setup, and the bass was prettttty good I must say. I wouldn't recommend the M2s, the M3s are slightly bigger and have a whole lot more bass output than the M2s....for kitchen use, I would recommend the M3s over the M22s as well.

Regarding mounting them...if cost is not an option, I would recommend the W3's instead of the M3s for the kitchen...the M3's on the FMB stick out REALLY far, and don't look that aesthetically pleasing. However, the W3s would look VERY slick in a kitchen environment. just my opinion though.

its all up to you tho!

Last edited by Hutzal; 08/24/07 08:05 PM.

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