I mentioned this before and it was disputed but I can say for certain that many a data circuit has been fixed by removing bad splice work. Because time is of essence, stripping, twisting and taping is too slow and if not tight and well taped can cause issues (looseness or corrosion.

We use splice connectors that don't require stripping and are gel filled to prevent corrosion. Yes, it's overkill for home audio and still a splice to the cable enthusiasts but another example of splices effecting transmittion came about when we started using b-wire connectors similar to these.

It was eventually discovered, after much frustration, that unless the techs crimped them with all of their might, the connection would eventually weaken and cause errors.

We went back to our original style, similar to these, and they remained reliable.

I'm a bit off track but what I was trying to say is that a solid connection is VERY important but a good, well taped twist should be more than sufficient if you can forget it's there.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.