So I got rid of my Athena P2, it just would not mesh well with the m22ti's at all. Hard to explain, but after a couple of weeks of playing around with it, I gave up. I liked the sub by itself, and I like the speakers by themselves, at that's the problems. When I was playing music, I did not hear them as one, but individually. Part of the problem I am sure was that most of my listening is at low levels due to being in an apartment.

So this leads me to my new search. I am looking for a sub, in the sub $600 range that will play well at low volumes (hard to quantify, but any of you apartment dwellers can related).

The obvious choices so far are the HSU VTF-2, the SVS PB1-ISD, or the SVS 25-31 PCi. I am leaning towards the 25-31 PCi right now, just because I like the cylinder shape, and all three get equally great reviews. Anyone have any opinions on what would make one of these three better than the other. I have no problem going with a cube if the overall consensus is for the VTF-2 or the PB1-ISD as I have never heard ANY of these subs and have no chance too. Everything I can purchase locally that I like is out of the price range.

My order is going in on Monday, as I hope to have the sub in by next weekend.

Thanks for the advice!