I don't know why I got such a kick out of this, but I did. Last weekend my nephew and I got to enjoy the benefits of mixing Mentos and soda. They have these pre-made plastic tubes that just fit inside the top of soda bottles and can hold a pack of Mentos. There is a small hole in the bottom to insert a toothpick through to hold the mints from falling. We only had three tubes so could only do three bottles at a time. It's very low-tech--you just fill up the tubes, pull the toothpick, and run.

Please forgive my mom. She is not a professional photographer. That's me in the background--I'm doing a quick backpeddle. Oh, and Zozo the cat is looking on. My nephew is behind the pole. You can just see his foot.

This is round two. My nephew needs to learn how to run faster. Go, Patrick, go.

My niece also helped out. She's only two, but she brought us extra Mentos packs. She was also very good at stepping in the soda puddles.

We capped the night off by going out for pizza. All in all, a good time.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose