Very strange. I'm the guy with the 135 IQ, who in all other tests has been shown to be a "left brain" person, which I would agree with, but I see clockwise. I looked closely at the picture, and if you focus on the feet/legs, it is pretty easy to switch, but looking at the rest of the image, I see (granted, it may be my point of view only) slight perspective variations that tend to look like the arms get slightly smaller at just the right times to show that they are going further away, again, in conjunction with what I would call a "clockwise" motion.

Similar observations with her face (and other areas) that more distinctly appear from the silhouette and go back into it in such a way that would reflect a distinct motion in one direction.... Clockwise....

Of course, that is my point of view, and apparently many of you are better at changing perspectives than I am.

Maybe I'm just frustrated because I can't do it..

Farewell - June 4, 2020