I sure hope nobody is taking this as a "definitive answer" on the subject. Just some fun tests! \:\)

Actually, there are a few more details that are worth mentionning.

1) I have DVD-As that are over 90 minutes long in all 4 formats (multi high-res, stereo hi-res, DTS, DD). SACDs seem to be limited to 75 minutes, but it could be just because of the CD layer. Actually, the Schubert pieces are presented in dual-sided in SACD.

2) Both SACD and DVD-A, either because of #bits, sampling rates or multi-channel, seem to make the receiver's life easier in bass management and the resulting merged output between M80 and EP-500 is noticeably better than CD and DTS/DD (all recordings are in 5.0 or 4.0, no LFE--which would be absurd for music!!)

See Mojo's signature