Ok, I'll give it a shot... and again let me state that I am very happy with my speakers, just not as blown away as I was expecting. Here are some things that bother me about the sonic aspects of my system in order of priority/annoyance.

1. buzzy hiss from M22s that requires me to turn down treble when we are watching movies. Some CDs its not noticeable like jazz or rock, but very noticeable on classical and movies (in surround).
2a. vocals from the likes of Norah Jones or Amy Lee tend toward shrill at times
2b. sound is not as "big" as I was hoping. I love the clarity and crispness, but it seems like they are just not as "full" as I was expecting. This is true in both 2 channel and surround.
2c. bass is not as distinct (this could be related to 2b) or precise as I would like to think it could sound.
3. fan and drive noise from x-box which is what I use for CDs and DVDs.

My den is about 14' x 23' and I have my system on the long wall, so my listening position is about 10 feet away from speakers.

Does that help? I really appreciate your feedback.