I have two NVidia 7900GT cards. Both are the BFG (Factory overclocked) versions.. It's an older card but it ran pretty good on it's own. I honestly didn't notice a difference worth doubling a cost (2nd card). UNTIL.... I got into raid situations playing Vanguard. It made a HUGE difference when I got into situations where tons of players are all running around on the screen at once, many creating advanced particle effects with spells and such. I used to have to turn the settings down if I knew I was going into a raid or a super player packed area, now only the most extreme incidents cause me to lag out due to video.

If you are wondering what Vanguard is, think World of Warcraft but without 6 to 10 year olds running around everywhere being idiots. Because it's a long awaited new game from one of the original designers of Everquest, it's mostly full of middle agers who used to play EQ1. Well, mostly...

Edit: In fairness, my second card is a lender from a friend who bought the same card as me at the same sale. His PC is smoked so I thought it was a good opportunity to borrow a second card and experiment with SLI. I'll miss it when I give it back, but honestly don't know if I will go buy a 2nd. I hardly ever raid in Vanguard as I'm mostly a casual player putting in maybe 6 to 10 hours a week.

Last edited by Murph; 11/01/07 03:11 PM. Reason: added info

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.