Well, the M60s are recent additions to my collection, but I've owned the M22s and M3s for years. In all honesty, while one on one I would also generally prefer the M3s, I did use the M22s in my main system over the M3s for about 5 years.

The attributes of the M22s, when paired with a good sub, do a heck of a job as a main speaker. The attributes of the M3s allow them to be used on their own, without a sub, in say a bedroom or something like that (not to mean they can't be used in a main system either). If Axiom wanted to keep the clarity of the M22s, but make them a little fuller sounding with better bass on their own, they'd have one crazy-good bookshelf speaker out there. But maybe they want something to distinguish the M60s from the M22s. And that's fair enough, and I am now very happy to have the M60s in my system.