I received an hour ago some SACDs (actually, 3 separate shipments that were supposed to be spread over 3 weeks... 24 disks total!). Amongst them, there was a complete recording of Bach's organ music on SACD. After having heard Ton Koopman play 70 minutes of it on DVD-a, I was salivating in advance...

Grrr. I was suspecting that it was way too inexpensive to be true (I had forgotten how many CDs a complete recoding of Bach's org. mus. represents!). It turns out that they put 16bit CD audio on those SACD, but they cram about 4 hours per disk! So, overall, it means 20 hours of music (not too badly played by Hans Fagius as far as I can tell after 2 tracks) for about 45$.

So, this can still be a great buy, but be warned that those are not "real" SACDs in the sense we can expect them to be.

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