Mike, I'm in a situation similar to yours. My current computer doesn't have a serial connection. I'm still using my old computer, which does, to program my 850.

I don't know much about the 810, 900, and 950, but to add to your confusion ;\) Universal Remote is just shipping a new model, the MX-980. Here is some info about it at Remote Central. If you'll click on the Talk about the MX-980 & MRF-260! link at the bottom of the web page, you'll find more recent info on the 980 at the Remote Central Forum. There is also a wealth of info about the other Universal Remote remotes at Remote Central and it's forum.

The 980 is pretty expensive, but remember, if you ask about discounts at Surf Remote Control when the 980 is available there, chances are good you'll be able to get it for substantially less than MSRP.

Also a google search will turn up more comprehensive info on the 980.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton