Wow, my friend Yuri isn't cool. She just commented on my MySpace profile that she was sorry that Regina died, and that I must be heartbroken. I made a beeline for a search engine to find the latest headlines about Regina. I knew she'd had her collapse due to a severe inner ear infection. I thought surely she couldn't have died from that. The most recent news from today is that she was fine, which I took as a sign I could breathe again. Yuri must have heard wrong about the collapse, but yeah, it had me going for a little bit, especially with the Curse of 27, and Regina Spektor being 27 years old.

Not cool, Yuri. Not cool.

In other news, has anyone heard her duet with Sondre Lerche from the Dan in Real Life soundtrack? I haven't yet, which is pretty sick. I guess I know what my immediate future holds.