This is a great post for Ken to reply to and then have someone from Axiom come in and throw him off with a new update. Ha-ha sorry it happened a few times and I had to put it in here.

The version 2's have been out for awhile but were only re-launched/labelled within the last year I believe. I found a post from May 2006... Axiom Released V2

Like any good company new things are always tried and if they prove beneficial they make the revision.

With that being said, I'm sure Axiom has things going on but doubt we would see any new revision for alittle while. Unless they want to start using the drivers without dustcaps as desired by a couple of the other forum members. Personally, I would like to see a change to the grilles like with the new audiobytes that have magnetic grilles...

High Gloss Cherry
M60 VP150 QS8
Open for Auditions but please don't drool on the High Gloss