\:D .

You know it's a really tough call on the cross-over settings. On one hand I really like the bass that permeates my entire room during the Eagles when I have my Denon on 80 and the 600 on by-pass. But on the other hand, I don't think that this is natural. It might sound impressive but it gets tiring after a while.

And ditto with movies. Doormat said it well when he was at my place recently. We watched the depth charge scene at 40Hz and 80Hz. He preferred 80Hz because it "hit him in the chest". But I preferred 40Hz because it hit me in the gut. I liked the initial kick that 40Hz gave me but he preferred the after-shocks of 80Hz. The sound was certainly more full with 80Hz. It would be great if somehow we could get that "40Hz kick" while preserving the fullness.

I still want a sub that hits me in the chest and the gut at the same time. I've only felt this once in my life and that was at a Trooper concert here in town. The bass was so powerful that it rattled my insides pretty bad and we had to leave after 45 minutes because I was feeling nauseous. It was a very unsettling feeling. My ears were just fine but my stomach wasn't right and my heart was "jittery". Now that I think about it, maybe I don't want that in my own house \:\) .

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated