Mmmm, I went through the same thing a year ago with my Axiom order; and DHL. I live in NY and the order was split up (2 M80s, (2) M2's, (4)SQ8's, VP150 and EP600 all special order in VaSSallo Wood Oak stained Butercup with Burnt Sienna Grills.) Half the order went to Ohio then double back to NY. When it arrived one of the M80s had a nasty gash/scratch in it. Axiom really bent over backwards to make this up to me and was extremely understanding. It seems the damage done to the box leaned to the fact that it was mishandled by a forklift. DHL did care a damn. They sent me an empty envolpe stating I could use it for free in the future - I used it to send a letter of complaint to a head honcho in TX and enclosed a zip-lock bag with my cat's crap stating this is how they treat what they delivered. ...I never heard from them. All I know is that when I had an Axiom Delivery twice previous it was sent via FedEx and I never had a problem.