I bought it at a local Tweeters..its the only local store that carries better AV products..am in Galveston, Texas..on the beach and rather remote...I paid $700., but at least I got to audition it before buying probably wasn't inclined to wait for mail order for a few dollars savings...have set it up(requires a PHd in electronics), just joking, the setup was painless with the new YPAQ I believe it is called...I seem to have read somewhere that some of the better speakers are 4 ohm speakers???...there is a setting on the Yamaha for either 8 or 6 ohm..is this a potential problem for some high end users??...shouldn't affect me though..I'm starting with the M3ti's and just ordered the full metal mounting bracket and going to the local Home Depot or Lowe's for the moulding to hide the wires...FishIsland