I need some help deciding between the EP500 and the EP600. Is the EP600 really worth the extra $500 and please no answer like 2 db more because going from 120db to 122db is not worth the extra $500, is there a difference between the two in the sound quality of the bass? Are the two drivers identical and is the Amp on the EP600 just a max out version of the EP500? Is there someone out there that actually heard the 2 Sub side by side and is ready to say that there is a distinct difference?

My system right now is 2 M80 V2, 1 VP150 V2, 4 QS8 V2 ,1 handmade horn loaded sub with a 15 inches Tempest driver running at 4 ohm with one of the channel of one of the GFA555 (325 Watts RMS) 2 Adcom Amp GFA555, 2 Adcom Amp GFA 535, Outlaw 970 Preamp, Optoma HD projector, my room is 14x26x7. Thank you in advance for the help ...

CD 2