I'm torn when I read these kind of reviews. Part of me want to believe it so that I can have the possiblility of a great upgrade somewhere waaaayyy down the road when I can afford it (or when the wife will let me...).

On the other hand I want to believe all the people who say that all amps sound the same as long as they aren't over-driven. It would be nice to know that I can keep buying inexpensive receivers and still get the best sound possible as long as the volume stays reasonable.

So whom to believe? Well, it's probably not a matter of "belief", I'm sure neither side is lying about what they think but dammit, somebody's gotta be wrong...... right?

I'm not trying to start the old fight again, I but I would love it if some of you Axiomites on each side of the debate could get together and do a blind a/b test and prove or disprove all of this.