I have a Soundbridge to stream my (only \:\( 400Gb) lossless music to the sound system. The upcoming Squeezebox with the LCD display on the remote is quite tempting! It really looks great.

I have my eye on the Squeezebox Duet as well. A friend of mine has it on order so I will see how it performs first. The one concern I've heard about it over the older version is whether the SQ is as good. Logitech has made some changes including power supply and replacing the terrific BurrBrown PCM1748E DAC in the Squeezebox v3 with the Wolfson® 24-bit WM8501. It may not make a difference but the forums are complaining about it. In any event that display on the remote is a great solution.

I was at a friends on sunday who had a music server using a small Mac with display into a Benchmark DAC 1.0. A bit more cumbersome and expensive solution than the Squeezebox but it sounded really good. We A/B/C blind to a Squeezebox Transporter. Not much difference until we connected the USB input into the Benchmark then it sounded fuller, more extended with deeper bass than the Transporter.

