I, too, am a huge fan of Mass Effect. I'm probably around 25 hours in and haven't beat the main quest yet. I like to get the most out of my $60 purchase so I tend to watch all the conversations and do the side quests. Luckily the incredible graphics, facial expressions, and voice overs makes this a very enjoyable process, at least for me. There are some technical problems such as texture pop in and times where the frame rate drops quite a bit, but nothing that takes away from the incredible story and character development matched with it's immersive atmosphere and dialog. I'm also an Elder Scrolls: Oblivion fan, so I'm plenty use to those slight interferences.

And by the way, I am currently on my 3rd xbox 360. Luckily for the extended 3 year coverage it hasn't been a real problem, just an inconvenience. I love the library of games for the 360, but dang the first few batches of 360s are unreliable.

2-M3s, 1-VP100, HSU STF-1, Xbox 360