Originally Posted By: RickF
 Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
Just fantastic, Sean! Thank you so much! That is a stunning collection. I will look forward to seeing it some day.

In the interest of adding value, I'll offer the following to those of you who enjoyed Sean's story....

Thanks for the multiple links Tom, I just went through each one and really enjoyed them all. The 'Flying Heritage Collection' videos of Bud Tordoff being reunited with his old P-51 was especially nice, he reminds me of several of the WWII pilots I've known over the course of my own flying career whose numbers, unfortunately, are dwindling much too fast it seems.

I concur--thanks Tom.

Sadly, the number of WWII vets gets smaller and smaller. My grandfather was an aide to General Patton and I'm sure he had quite a few stories. Unfortunately he died when I was really young and I never had the opportunity to ask him about it. I'm sure there are many stories out there that never get the chance to be told.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose