Well HomeDad...ya talked me into it. Yesterday I walked into Best Buy and picked up a Harmony One. It took at least an hour of programming to get it almost right... just a few tweaks left. It can also power up the SMS-1 at the correct times and I can adjust the sub volume with it, which was a concern of mine.

The keypad layout is very intuitive and it does fit nicely into your hand. You can also program it with your favorite channels in the touch screen area, something I haven't tried yet.

I haven't had it long enough to comment on battery life.. maybe Homedad, you can fill us in on how yours is doing.

The only real issue I have probably can't be resolved (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). I have a Tivo Series 3, and the reaction time from key press to action on screen is around 1/4 sec slower. It may not sound like a big deal, but if I pick up the original remote and compare, it's VERY obvious. It becomes apparent if you're quickly moving around menu selections. It certainly something that is easy to get used to however. I just have to slow myself down just a bit..

I played around with a $15 universal a couple of months ago that didn't have the issue. It was as quick as the original. There are options on the computer software to adjust inter-key delay, etc. but nothing similar to decreasing execution time.

Other than that..a very nice remote!! At least I have 29 days left to play with it and decide on whether it gets to stay. \:\)

Epic 80 / SVS PB13 Ultra
Denon 3805 / M2200 Outlaw Monos /
Sammy 55" LED