Sorry about the cross post, here is an update. I tried the monster power conditioner - no help. Next I tried putting it in stereo mode - no help. After that I tried another reciever - no help. Tried another optical cable - no help. Then I tried another reciever, wire, DVD player and speaker, basically a new system and still get that noise. My test sound is in Lord of the Rings Two Towers, Chapter 9 where everyone on horses surrounds the 3 men. The guy on the horse asks them who they are and the dwarf replies, "Give me your name horse rider and I shall give you mine." In that line I get a scratchy sound twice. Once after Give and the other after "I". If any of you have this movie and can go to that part and tell me if it is common I would appreciate it. I picked that scene cause I remember it is the first time I heard distortion. Some movies are bad and some movies I can barely hear it. One movie that was bad was Identity, lots of yelling. I don't know what to do now.